Klinische Studie

A Multicenter Observational Registry to Develop Ablation Parameter Guidance for Microwave Liver Ablation of Soft Tissue Lesions(NOLA - Neu_2017_04)Ein multizentrisches Beobachtungsregister zur Entwicklung einer Anleitung für Ablationsparameter für die Mikrowellen-Leberablation von Weichgewebsläsionen
Krankheitsentität(en) Leber
Wesentliche Einschlusskriterien1) Patients who underwent or are scheduled to undergo a microwave ablation of one or more liver lesions with the NEUWAVE Microwave Ablation System per the device’s Instructions for Use (IFU). 2) Patients with signed informed consent (or waiver approved by IRB/EC) who are willing to comply with the assessment schedule, and willing to have data included in the database. 3) Patients > 22 years old at the time of informed consent (or waiver approved by IRB/EC).
Wesentliche Ausschlusskriterien1) Patients with a life expectancy of less than 1 year, in the opinion of the treating physician. 2) use of microwave ablation purely as tarnsection tool, rather then focused liver lesion ablation 3) current or planned participation in another Neuwave/Ethicon-funded clinical trial
Ansprechpartner & KontaktUniversitätsklinikum RegensburgRöntgendiagnostikStudienzentrale0941 94417486studien.rdi(at)ukr.de