Klinische Studie

Krankheitsentität(en) Darm (Dickdarm, Mastdarm)
StudientypInterventionsstudiePhase III
Wesentliche EinschlusskriterienBiopsy-confirmed adenocarcinoma of the colon Intent for curative resection 5. Patients with bowel obstruction are only eligible if first stented or defunctioned 6. Tissue is available for pMMR/dMMR testing (centrally and/or locally) Age ≥ 18 at the time of registration
Wesentliche Ausschlusskriterien1. Not medically fit for surgery or chemotherapy 2. Acute bowel obstruction without intervention prior to study participation 3. Evidence of distant metastatic disease (indeterminate lung nodules with low clinical suspicion of metastases permitted
Ansprechpartner & KontaktUniversitätsklinikum RegensburgChirurgieStudienzentrale0941 9446736cotrialassociates(at)ukr.de