Klinische Studie

Preop. FOLFOX vs. postop. risk-adapted chemotherapy in patients with locally advanced rectal cancer and low risk for local failure: A randomized Phase III Trial(ACO/ARO/AIO-18.2)Preop. FOLFOX vs. postop. risk-adapted chemotherapy in patients with locally advanced rectal cancer and low risk for local failure: A randomized Phase III Trial
Krankheitsentität(en) Darm (Dickdarm, Mastdarm)
StudientypInterventionsstudiePhase III
Wesentliche EinschlusskriterienPatient with histologically diagnosis of rectal adeno-Ca. localiesed 0-16 cm from th anocutaneous line as measured by rigid rectoskopy Transrectal ecdoscopic ultrasound is used to help dicriminate between T1/2 and early T3 tumors.
Wesentliche AusschlusskriterienDistant metastses Prior antineoplastic therapy for rectal cancer Prio radiotherapy of the pelvic region
Ansprechpartner & KontaktKlinikum WeidenMed. Klinik IInterdisziplinäres Studienzentrum0961 30313307studienzentrum(at)kno.ag